The bike is like a new one
Very strong bike with engine still intact with easily accessible spare parts
Well maintained bike less fuel consuming with easily accessible spare parts
Well maintained bike very strong with easily accessible spare parts and long lasting
Very strong bike with easily accessible spare parts less fuel consuming
Very strong bike less fuel consuming with engine still intact long lasting
The bike was well maintained
It's a very nice bike just buy and ride
It's a very nice bike just buy and ride
Very good bike and nice to ride
It's a good bike automatic start and everything is good call or WhatsApp on{phone=0758445345}
It's a very nice bike just buy and ride
Bike is still like a new one
The bike has a super standard engine
It's a very nice bike just buy and ride
It's a very nice bike just buy and ride
The bike is in good condition
The bike is still intact and good
"It's a nice bike that you can buy and start using without any problems."
It's a very nice bike just buy and ride