This bike is in good condition just buy and ride
Very strong bike with engine still intact less fuel consuming with easily available spare parts
Well maintained bike with engine still intact new tyres less fuel consuming
Well maintained bike less fuel consuming with engine still intact with self starter working
This bike is in good condition just buy and ride
The bike has a super intact engine
Well maintained bike with engine still intact less fuel consuming with easily accessible spare parts
This bike is in a good condition just buy and ride
The bike is still like a new one
Well maintained bike with engine still intact less fuel consuming with easily accessible spare parts
The bike is still in good mechanical condition
Well maintained bike very strong with engine still intact with self starter working
The bike is in good mechanical condition
The bike is in a condition equivalent to that of a new one
The bike has an engine which has never been tampered woth
The engine is very good amd it is a buy and drive bike
It's really nice bike just buy and drive
Very strong bike with easily accessible spare parts less fuel consuming
Well maintained bike very strong with engine still intact easy to maintain
It's a new bike just buy and drive either boda or personal use call or WhatsApp on{phone=0758445345}