Strong bike well maintained and good for both personal and boda boda
Strong bike well maintained and ready for work
It has new wheel and accident free
It has a good engine and number plate
Fully packaged motorcycle
It's mechanically Completed just buy and drive
It has good wheels and good tyres
It has good tyres and new wheels
Good condition and fantastically good
It has a good engine and tyre
Well maintained bike with low consumption
Good condition and fantastically
Its a well maintained bike ready for work and still in a perfect condition
Its a nice bike with engine still intact and ready for work
It's mechanically Completed just buy and drive
Reliably perfect and standard engine
It's mechanically Completed just buy and drive
Fully functioning in everything
Only tightening of the side caps
As u see it its on the road as it has been for delivery services though it can be used for personal movements and transport business