The bike is very intact and strong
The bike is very good in engine but the front trye is worn out
It's Avery intact just buy and drive
Good evening just buy and ride
Intact engine just buy and ride only
Good engine just buy and ride
It's a very good motorcycle just buy and drive
The bike is still in good mechanical condition
In very good working condition
Intact engine just buy and ride
The motorcycle needs only washing
It has new tanker and wheels
Well maintained bike very strong less fuel consuming with new tyres
The bike is fairly good
It's a very nice bike just buy and ride only
Just in good condition
Its a buy and ride bike , red and black in color , durable and able to cruze on the bad roads of kampala.
Still has good engine and nice body
Economical, trustworthy and solid, the CRUX REV will give you all you need with a low fuel consumption with a record of only 1L for 100 kms. Its equipments
Good condition with its moto card